How to create a simple, delicious diet for diabetics

An estimated 10.5% American citizens have diabetes. A further 34.5% are prediabetic.

You’re not the first person to try to develop a sustainable diabetic diet. Many people fear that changing their eating habits will lead to boring and restricted eating habits. You don’t have to be a bad eater to enjoy good food!

It’s time you took control of your health. You can stop procrastinating. Let’s get started.

Pick a carbohydrate

You must choose your diabetes-friendly meals first. Pay attention: White, refined carbs can lead to a spike in blood sugar. Opt instead for whole-grain sources that have a low glycaemicindex.

They could include:

  • Brown rice
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Oatmeal
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Lentils

It’s easy and convenient to eat too much carbs. A weighing scale will help you to determine the right portion size.

Get a Fat

Next, make sure you choose healthy fat sources. Fats can be a great way to keep you fuller and longer.

Some healthy fats include the following:

  • Avocado
  • Nuts
  • Peanut butter
  • Olives

These fats are slow-releasing and will give you energy throughout the day. Avoid eating highly processed fatty meals.

Choose an Protein

Protein is the last food category to include. This is probably the most important aspect of a type-1 or type-2 diabetes diet. Protein helps control blood sugar, provides energy, and supports cellular functions.

Avoid eating whole protein sources from animals and plants, unless you have a plant-based lifestyle.

You can add these great proteins to your meal plan.

  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Salmon
  • Moderation in the consumption of red meat
  • Beans
  • Peas
  • Lentils
  • Nuts
  • Hummus

A higher amount of protein is better for diabetics than regular food. This is to compensate for the marginally higher carbohydrate content. Don’t hesitate to eat more plant-based and lean proteins.

Put it All Together

Finally, it’s finally time to put it all in place. Determine how many meals will you need, and then use this formula to make each one. It’s also possible to freeze leftovers. Freeze them to save time when cooking becomes too tiring.

Also, ensure you have all other supplies that you will need to manage diabetes. A glucose monitor, low-sugar snacks, as well as diabetes-friendly shoes should be available.

A Diabetic Diabetic Recipe That Works

That’s it! This is how to create a diabetic eating plan that you are able to adhere to. You don’t necessarily have to eat only steamed vegetables or fish every day. Enjoy your food and take time to look after your health.

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